The truth about gels and sports drinks

If I was to design something that would dissolve out the minerals from teeth and feed the bugs that live in the mouth it would go something like this: make it a drink with a low pH, say 2-4, to dissolve the calcium from the tooth enamel, make it very sugary to feed the bacteria, […]

Toddlers and the dentist

As a Dentist and also a Father of 2 young children, I am regularly quizzed about Children’s teeth and visiting the Dentist so I wanted to put together some answers to questions that I am most often asked. I hope this is of help to you. When should I start bringing my child to the […]

Dental Tourism – do your research

Complex dental treatment can sometimes come at a high cost. Depending on the circumstances, some Aussies consider getting their treatment overseas to get a ‘free’ holiday out of their dental treatment instead of having it done at home. But what are the risks? Is there a reason dental treatment is significantly cheaper in the developing […]

Babies & toddlers – terrible teething

It is usually not very difficult to tell if your baby has started teething. Around 4 – 7 months you’ll notice frequent crying, red cheeks, more drooling, problems sleeping and general fussiness. You might even notice your little one refusing food or is trying to nibble anything he or she can get their hands on! […]

Babies & toddlers – snack attack! You are what you eat

Every parent knows that chocolates, lollies and fizzy drinks are bad for their child’s teeth. It’s because the sugar in these foods and drinks is harmful and causes decay, a disease that more than 50% of Aussie kids suffer. A disease that is entirely preventable. Read on to find out more:

When should my child first see the dentist?

It is easy to assume that until your child has a full set of teeth that there is no need to see the dentist. The reality is dentistry isn’t just about teeth! It’s about gums, lips, and the inside of the mouth. At each and every visit, whether it is for you or your child, […]

Babies & toddlers – how to brush your child’s teeth

The concept of brushing your baby’s teeth might seem odd. He or she might only have a few teeth or maybe none at all! However, no matter how many teeth you have and even in the early stages of life, bacteria will find a way into the mouth and can cause decay. Read on to […]

Babies & toddlers – tooth decay: does your child have this disease?

Tooth decay is a disease that 50% of Australian children under six suffer from that can result in pain, the removal of teeth, bad breath and a whole host of other problems. When we hear the word disease we think that it’s something you ‘get’, that it’s unavoidable or you might have done something to […]